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Our mission is to help people, which is why it is important for us to achieve results and see your sincere feedback.

What our clients
say about us:

The treatment at your center gave good results. I wish to continue to develop and have many positive reviews. I hope that this positive result will last a long time. Once again, many thanks to everyone. I will definitely recommend your treatment center. Thank you again, peace and blessings to you.
Valya Kulyna
My gratitude to the specialists of the center for all the years of acquaintance remains unchanged. The number of Schrot therapists and physical therapists has increased during this time, and with it more options for choice, because each of them easily replaces each other. My daughter goes to classes with pleasure. The result of the work of the child and the specialists is there!
Alla Imedadze
I was at the center with back problems.Rehabilitation methods really work.I recommend. Prices are reasonable

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To achieve such results, we made every effort. At the beginning of the treatment, a full diagnosis was carried out and treatment was prescribed. As well as special individually selected therapies for the treatment of idiopathic scoliosis were carried out.
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We also
provide training:

Natalia Kotyuk
Finally! For the first time in Ukraine, an official training course on the 5EA5 conservative treatment of scoliosis was held! This is an official course from IBISO! Thank you Michelo Romano for another tool in my knowledge base! Infinite gratitude to Irina Polyarush for the presentation, translation, for the opportunity she created for specialists, for her fanatical dedication to the cause; I am proud that we have such specialists! Thank you Smart Rehab for the development, for the reception, you yourself are a good example of constant improvement! Glad to meet people close to my heart and to meet new ones!
Tatiana Baryshok
Well, that's what happened :) The first training on the Mulligan concept in Ukraine took place and the first certificate reached Zaporizhzhia!!! I really hope it's not the last. Why is the event historic? Because this is the FIRST world-class manual orthopedic technique that has come to the country! This is a real, effective, simple tool for everyone who wants to work in orthopedics, traumatology, vertebrology ... every day. These are just the first steps, which I really hope will increase the professionalism of physical therapists and raise the profession to a qualitatively new level.

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Who is our
training for?

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Physical therapists, occupational therapists
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Teachers of specialized universities
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Intern doctors
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Doctors of the Russian Federation
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Specialists in therapeutic massage
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Our services

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Diagnostics is a key step in physical therapy, which helps to provide an effective and saferecovery of the patient`s health andfunctionality.
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Physical therapy

Physical therapy uses various methods andtechniques to recover, maintain or improvebody functions and quality of life, and returnto normal activity after injuries, 
illnesses, orsurgeries.
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Complex procedures

Complex procedures allow you to work withdifferent aspects of the problem whileproviding the most balanced and deepapproach to treatment.
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asked questions

How much does a full-fledged treatmentcost?
smart rehab
The cost of a full treatment can varysignificantly depending on many factors, suchas the type of disease or injury, the duration ofrehabilitation, and the rehabilitation methodsand equipment used. You can learn moreabout the cost of our centre’s services here(link to the cost of the centre's services).
Does magnetic therapy harm other organs?
smart rehab
Does magnetic therapy harm other organs?Magnetotherapy uses magnetic fields to treatvarious diseases and improve the generalcondition of the body. Usually, internal organsare not directly 
affected by magnetotherapy,as magnetic fields usually penetrate tissuesonly to a shallow depth and do not have theability to penetrate internal organs locateddeep in the body.
What is the first physical therapy session likeat yourcentre?
smart rehab

At the first session, a physical therapistassesses a patient’s condition (which includeshistory taking,patient intake, testing, and other surveymethods), determines the problem and itsexact cause,sets treatment goals and develops anindividual rehabilitation plan. The therapistgives advice,teaches the patient how to perform exercisescorrectly, 
supports him/his during each stageof rehabilitation.
What will help if I have scoliosis?
smart rehab
What will help if I have scoliosis? Sevenschools (ISST Schrot, BSPT, SEAS, Side Schrift,PSSE – Schrot, Dobomed, 
FITS) that are part ofthe SOSORT Association (International Societyfor conservative scoliosis treatment) focus onthe treatment of adolescent idiopathicscoliosis. Each of the seven schools has aunique technique and unique specificexercises. However, the overall goals of theschools are the same, as each method aims 
totreat all aspects of scoliosis by realigning thespine, thorax, shoulders, and pelvis into”normal” anatomical positions.
How often and for how long do I need toattend physical therapy sessions?
smart rehab
Usually,sessions last 60 minutes, the periodicity is 2–3times a week, and over time, the periodicity ofsessions may change as the conditionimproves. The duration of the course dependson many individual factors, taking into account your needs and goals, so it can last fromseveral weeks to several months. It isimportant 
to complete the full course ofrehabilitation, even if you feel significant reliefand improvement in your condition.Remember that physical therapy is a processthat takes time and patience.
When can I return to sports?
smart rehab
The timerequired to return to sports after rehabilitationvaries considerably depending on the type ofinjury or illness, the level of fitness before theinjury, and the individual physical capabilitiesthat are normal for you. Usually, you canreturn to sports after the rehabilitationprocess is complete when your body is fullyprepared for physical activity.
What restrictions should I observe duringrehabilitation, 
and how should I monitor myhealth after completing the rehabilitationcourse?
smart rehab
Depending on the problem you aredealing with, you will receive recommendations, advice, and restrictions. Forexample, do not lift heavy objects, do not putweight 
on the injured limb, reduce the loadand gradually increase it, maintain a healthylifestyle, have healthy sleep, and rest not onlyphysically but also psychologically. 
Afterrehabilitation, continue to maintain physicalactivity and perform the exercisesrecommended to you, if you have beenprescribed a program. Constantly monitorchanges in your health and report any newsymptoms or problems to your doctor orphysical therapist. Visit your doctor regularlyto monitor your health and maintain a healthylifestyle.
Can I do my sessions online or at home?
smart rehab
Aphysical therapist can provide you with anindividual rehabilitation plan and an exerciseprogram to do at home, but it is important tofollow the instructions and recommendations.It is also possible to get a video online consultation with 
a physical therapist, duringwhich you can be given recommendations oradvice on how to perform exercises. However,before you start exercising online or on yourown, you should always consult your doctorand attend sessions with a physical 
therapistso that they can determine the right tools andmethods for your condition and giverecommendations.
How can I prevent re-injury or deteriorationafter rehabilitation?
smart rehab
after rehabilitation? It is important to followthe advice of your doctor and physicaltherapist, gradually return to physical activity,eat and sleep properly to ensure a goodrecovery, and 
get rid of bad habits. Do not putexcessive stress on the previously injured area,and be sure to take breaks and warm up so asnot to overload your muscles 
and joints duringphysical activity. Consult a doctor on time!
Is it possible to return to normal dailyactivities and work?
smart rehab
Yes, it is possible to returnto normal daily activities and work afterrehabilitation, 
and this is the main goal ofrehabilitation for many patients. However,successful recovery depends on severalfactors: the state of health and the type ofinjury or illness (how serious your injury wasand how successful the rehabilitation was; theduration of rehabilitation (some rehabilitationprograms last a little longer 
than others, so it isimportant to follow the recommendations of aspecialist and take your time); the type of workand workload (depending on the nature ofyour job, if the job requires physical activity orcertain skills, you need to make 
sure that youare ready); recommendations and restrictions(follow any recommendations andrestrictions); psychological state and support(you may need psychological support toimprove your well-being and readiness toreturn to work); support from the employer (itis important to discuss your condition with theemployer and agree on the possibility ofadapting working conditions).


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