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Select a service
Consultation of an orthopedic doctor of thehighest category
Repeated consultation with an orthopedicdoctor of the highest category
Consultation with a physical therapist
Analysis of gait, running
Individual session with a physical therapist
Sessions with a doctor of physical andrehabilitation medicine
Session with a certified Schroth therapist
“Feet” session
Development by a rehabilitation therapist of atherapeutic set of exercises to be performed athome
Complex No.1 Physical Therapy + magnetictherapy complex
No. 2 Physical Therapy + electrical musclestimulation complex
No. 3 Physical Therapy + electrical dry-needingcomplex
No. 4 Physical Therapy + electrical musclestimulation + magnetic therapy complex
No. 5 All inclusive
Repeated consultation with an orthopedicdoctor of the highest category
Consultation with a physical therapist
Analysis of gait, running
Individual session with a physical therapist
Sessions with a doctor of physical andrehabilitation medicine
Session with a certified Schroth therapist
“Feet” session
Development by a rehabilitation therapist of atherapeutic set of exercises to be performed athome
Complex No.1 Physical Therapy + magnetictherapy complex
No. 2 Physical Therapy + electrical musclestimulation complex
No. 3 Physical Therapy + electrical dry-needingcomplex
No. 4 Physical Therapy + electrical musclestimulation + magnetic therapy complex
No. 5 All inclusive
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Our goal

Our team works hard to ensure that patientsregain their health as soon as possible andreturn to a productive life.

Our goal is to helpsolve health problems, back pain, scoliosis,arthrosis, joint pain, etc. We strive to makeyour life comfortable and ensure that no paincan interfere with it

What do we specialize in?

Diagnostics and treatment
of orthopedicdiseases:

Back and large joint pain
Arthritis, osteoarthritis, myofascial painsyndrome
Complex treatment of sports injuries
anddiseases associated with increased
exercise insports
Diagnostics and treatment of diseases
of theperipheral and central nervous systems
Conservative treatment of scoliosis,
kyphosisand postural disorders
Treatment of foot problems (flat feet,
plantarfasciitis, Hallux valgus)

Rehabilitation after orthopedic
ndtraumatological operations:

Comprehensive rehabilitation and
socializationof patients after a stroke
A hip and knee joint endoprosthesis surgery
Spinal and limb surgeries
Knee arthroscopy
Programs for preparing patients
for electivejoint replacement surgeries,
anterior cruciateligament plastic surgery

Importance of diagnostics

Diagnostics in physical therapy is an extremelyimportant component that affects theeffectiveness 
of an individual rehabilitationplan.
The results of the diagnostics help to developan individual plan to achieve improvements inbody function and quality of life for eachpatient. Thanks to them, it is possible torecognize the methods and approaches ofphysical therapy that will be most effective fora particular problem

How is the 
diagnostics going?

We interview the patient to obtain detailedinformation about medical history, complaintsand symptoms, and any factors that may beassociated with the onset of symptoms.
We use special tests for endurance, musclestrength, coordination, and joint stability toidentify limitations and deficits in the patient’sfunctional capabilities.
The establishment of the diagnosis by a doctor, physiotherapeutic diagnosis, and setting the goals using the SMART format. Elaboration of the rehabilitation plan, including the following: physical exercises, massage, stretching, electrical myostimulation, ultrasound therapy, magnetic therapy, MYO (Myofascial release therapy), Dry-needling, etc. to reduce the symptom expression.
We perform an examination of the patient,observe and assess his/her movement,posture, muscle tone, asymmetry, static anddynamic balance
We perform an examination of the patient,observe and assess his/her movement,posture, muscle tone, asymmetry, static anddynamic balance
During the recovery process, repeated testing is carried out to assess the dynamics of changes in the patient's condition. If necessary, the rehabilitation plan is adjusted to achieve better results.

Price list


Consultation of an orthopedic doctor of thehighest category
1500 грн.
Repeated consultation with an orthopedicdoctor of the highest category
1000 грн.
Consultation with a physical therapist
1000 грн.
Analysis of gait, running
500 грн.

Physical therapy

Individual session with a physical therapist
800 грн.
Sessions with a doctor of physical andrehabilitation medicine
1000 грн.
sessions with a certified sсhrot-therapist
1000 грн.
«Feet» session
1000 грн.
Development by a rehabilitation therapist of atherapeutic set of exercises to be performed athome
1000 грн.

Complex procedures And subscriptions

Complex No.1 Physical Therapy + magnetictherapy complex
1200 грн.
No. 2 Physical Therapy + electrical musclestimulation complex
1200 грн.
No. 3 Physical Therapy + electrical dry-needingcomplex
1400 грн.
Pass for classes in the group according to the method of K. Shrot (1 month-10 classes)
7000 грн.
Subscription for physical therapy classes (5 weeks - 10 classes)
6000 грн.

Our achievements 
and rewards

Our specialists are constantly improving theirskills, gaining new knowledge, and learningnew methods of therapy. We constantly striveto make your treatment effective and modern.It is very important for us not just to do ourjob, but to help you with the problem. Ourdiplomas confirm our continuous development.


Do you have any questions?

Write your details, and we will call you
backand help you 
solve your problem
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5 Mykoly Holeho St.,
office 503
5 Ivan Kotlyarevsky boulevard